英語版 ハードカバー「a gateway to sindarin 」トールキン、ロードオブザリング エルフ語(シンダール語)文法書※カバーなし※元々カバーなしか不明From the 1910s to the 1970s, author and linguist J. R. R. Tolkien worked at creating plausibly realistic languages to be used by the creatures and characters in his novels. Like his other languages, Sindarin was a new invention, not based on any existing or artificial language. By the time of his death, he had established fairly complete descriptions of two languages, the "elvish" tongues Quenya and Sindarin. He was able to compose poetic and prose texts in both, and he also constructed a lengthy sequence of changes for both from an ancestral "proto-language," comparable to the development of historical languages and capable of analysis with the techniques of historical linguistics.#ママン実家断捨離中お安く古本出品※多少の汚れ、傷、日焼け あり。 ※中は綺麗です。※神経質な方はご購入御遠慮下さい。※中古になります為、小さな汚れ・キズなど見落としがある場合もございます。✪ 梱包方法簡易包装で発送予定。✪ 発送方法らくらくorゆうゆうメルカリ便発送までに2~3日ほどお日にちを頂きます。※最近、写真その他を他の怪しいサイトで無断使用されてますが、こちらとは関係ありませんのでご注意ください。